Are You Trying to Find a Nanny? 14 Common Mistakes You Must Avoid When Hiring a Nanny in Your Home

Are You Trying to Find a Nanny? 14 Common Mistakes You Must Avoid When Hiring a Nanny in Your Home

If you’re trying to find a nanny, many of the common and most costly mistakes can be avoided if you do a little homework. Hiring a nanny to care for your children can be the most important decision you will have to make in regards to your family because of the safety issues involved. Leaving your children alone with a babysitter can be extremely stressful on you and the children. Just trust your instincts. If your gut says there is something wrong, move on.

If you spend necessary time beforehand doing your homework, before you contact any applicants, and clearly define your needs, then you don’t run the risk of getting into trouble. Simply screening a nanny over the phone, and eliminating potential applicants even before the initial in-person interview is a tremendous time saver. Families can eliminate a ton of headaches by thoroughly screen the nanny candidates. Don’t rush to a decision. Have a time where you, your children, and the nanny can all interact. This does not have to be a long period of time but it is a good opportunity for everyone to get used to each other.

Avoid these 14 Common Mistakes when looking for a nanny for hire:

Failure to review an applicants training or orientation

Not asking for multiple references

Not following up on the references given to you

Forgetting to schedule a second, working interview

Failure to interview multiple nannys

Not doing your own internet search

Not creating a contract between you and the nanny

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Not asking about unexplained gaps in applicants employment

Not using a reliable source such as the International Nanny Association

Do not ask her to scrub your toilet

Not setting up regular performance reviews

By trying to pay below market rate

Not having a full refrigerator

By forgetting to do a background check

The most important step or most common mistake in hiring a nanny or other live-in help is forgetting to run a background check. At a minimum you should check for criminal records in all places she has lived and worked in the last 3 years. Be sure to check the state sex offender registry too, and check her driving record if she is licensed. If using a nanny agency, you should expect this as part of your fee. Ask to see the actual report, and make sure all items were checked.

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