How to Move to a New Home With Kids

How to Move to a New Home With Kids

Whether you’re moving to a new home within your subdivision, a few miles away to a different community, or across the country, this is a big event for you and your family. Planning ahead will make the transition easier for your children and you.

Discuss the move with each child individually. Explain why you’re moving.Expect to meet with some resistance. Ask your older children to prepare a list of questions and concerns for the upcoming family meeting.

Call the family together to announce the move and Make sure it’s a positive conversation. Address their questions and concerns. Reassure them that their friendships don’t need to end because of the move. Acknowledge their feelings and reassure your kids that “we’re all in this together.”

Demystify the if you’re only moving across town, encourage older children to research your new community. They’ll find all kinds of info on chamber of commerce and tourism websites and the school district website. With Google Earth, they can zoom in on your new house. Show younger children photos of the new home and school and a map of your new community. Highlight the pluses and acknowledge the differences.

Visit the area ahead of the move if you the neighborhood and explore nearby parks and shopping areas. Drive by the new school and arrange an advance visit if possible.

Give them some power over the process. If you haven’t already chosen your new home, bring older children along on the hunt. Let them research moving companies. Younger children can be engaged by showing them photos of the new home and asking them how they’ll arrange their bedroom furniture and toys.

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Consider letting teens stay in their old school practical, teens might transition into a new community better if they can stay with a relative or close friend until the end of the school year.

Encourage them to stay connected to your old you’re leaving the area, visit favorite restaurants, parks and other “special” places in your town. Give your children address books and help them collect their friends contact information (phone numbers, addresses, email addresses). Say “goodbye” to your old house. Walk through with your children and remind them of special times you’ve shared. Mentioning some negatives, like the creaky stairs or scary basement, will help make a positive transition to the new home.

Pack an “important items” bag for each child. At least one change of clothes and a toothbrush belong in this box. Add that special blanket, stuffed animal and favorite books and let the child can keep control of them during the move.

Let your children do something else on moving day.Teens and older children could help, but let them spend this day with friends. Get a babysitter for babies and small children.

Don’t rush to unpack. Living out of your “important items” bags for a few days will help take the pressure off everyone to hurry and settle into the new house.

Return to your regular household routines as soon as meal times and bed times the same, especially for younger children. You’ve moved to a new home; you haven’t changed the rules.

Help your children make new friends. Organize play dates for younger children with children of co-workers or neighbors. Encourage older children to become involved in extracurricular activities in their new school.

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Explore your new neighborhood to the park. Meet your neighbors. Visit a local restaurant. Point out the boundaries-local landmarks as well as what streets not to cross.

Remember that your children take their cues from you. Stay focused on the positive aspects of your new home and community and they will too.

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