Helpful Tips for Moving Home With Pets

Helpful Tips for Moving Home With Pets

We all know that moving home can be a worrisome experience, so imagine how confused your pets may feel when boxes suddenly start appearing around them, their environment is sent into disarray and they are eventually plucked from their comfortable home and transported to somewhere completely unfamiliar to get used to. In addition to this, all the time these things are happening, your pets are unable to communicate their feelings to you.

So, with that in mind, here are a few tips to help keep your furry friends as calm as can be during your big move:

Reassure them

Your pet may be frightened that you are going to leave it behind, so give it lots of attention throughout the moving process to make sure it knows it is still part of the family. This will also help you to relax, too.

On moving day

If you keep your pet in the house while you have a removals firm in, do keep it in one room, or it may present a danger to itself and others if it gets under anyone’s feet when heavy objects are being shifted.

If you have a friend who is willing to pet-sit for you on moving day you may find it reassuring to know that your pet is in a stable environment, allowing you to get on with doing what you need to do without worrying too much about your pet.

The journey

If you are concerned that your pet may react badly to travelling, it is worth talking to a vet to discuss possible ways to make your pet more comfortable for the journey. In certain cases, the vet may decide to prescribe a mild sedative; however, this would probably be a last resort.

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Make sure you don’t feed your pet for a minimum of 3 hours before you begin your journey on moving day. This should help to prevent it becoming travel sick along the way.

Homeward bound

Dogs and cats both have strong homing instincts, so watch them carefully after you have moved as they may try to return to your previous address. Supervise them outdoors for the first few times to allow them to familiarise themselves with their new surroundings. Update their collar with your new contact details – it may also be worth getting your vet to implant them with a microchip; a quick and harmless procedure, which will allow a vet to identify them easily if they ever do get lost.

Settling in

Cats especially can be rather territorial. If you have a cat and have just moved house, the chances are that it will be asserting itself in its new neighbourhood and marking its domain. It is natural for cats to get into scraps at times, but do check it for wounds regularly if you suspect it has been fighting, just in case it has been hurt.

Pets are often creatures of habit, and will be much happier once they are able to get back into their normal routine. Try and make sure this happens for them as soon as possible after the move. Equally, try and keep their routine as regular as possible for as long as you can in the time leading up to your move as well.

Take a look at our home-moving advice section for more help moving your pets.

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