Eliminate ALL of the Stress of Purchasing a Home With Proper Planning
1. Before you begin to look for a home make a list of everything that you want in a home. If you know what amenities you must have to be happy and what you can live without, you will spend less time searching and more quality time making the deal.
2. Research the area that you want to live. Are there good schools in the area if needed? How close is the police and fire department? Are shopping areas within reason or the interstate? Answering these simple questions will help.
3. Know your finances. If you can get pre-approved for a mortgage before you start shopping you can consider this a bonus. Knowing your price range before you stop saves time. It will also prevent you from impulsively over spending and not being able to afford your loan payment.
4. When you find your dream home make sure you examine the entire home carefully. Do things like turn on water faucets to make sure there are not any leaks, pressure is good and there are no loud noises. Look under the cabinets where water faucets are and check for stains. Flip on light switches and make sure to turn on the air conditioner. Look for stains on the walls near the ceiling joint to see if there is a leaky roof and walk the outside of the home to look for cracks, holes and other unsightly problems. It may seem a little overbearing, but it will save you many headaches in the future.
5. When you have decided the home fits your needs, negotiate the price. Bid lower than you are willing to pay and work your way back to the middle. Ask for a home warranty or perhaps an appliance. Negotiation is at the heart of all transactions, and right now it is a buyers market.